
This is some of the work I can publicly display my involvement in. The list mostly consists of open-source software contributions and my personal projects, but there are a few commercial ones here as well.

  • Warcrime


    Two months into the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine I started working on a war-crime-reporting mobile application for Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group. The idea was to offer volunteers a more convenient alternative to the existing web form.

    The iOS and Android applications allow volunteers to:

    • upload photos and videos from the device's photo library
    • take photos and videos with the device's camera and attach current location to them
    • fill in a form with description of the event and other information
    • upload the form and media files to the server

    The admin panel allows the organization's staff to:

    • view the list of reports
    • view the details of each report
    • preview and download the media files attached to reports
    • filter the list of reports by date, reporter, and other criteria

    React Native app source
    NestJS BE and admin panel source

  • Countly


    Countly is a typical analytics platform that provides functionality to collect and analyse user activity on a website or an application. In addition to displaying user metrics the dashboard also allows you to manage push notifications.

    I used it on one of the projects to send push notifications to users and one of the SDK's APIs was broken. I fixed the issue and submitted a pull request to the upstream repository.


  • Open Exchange Rates

    Open Exchange Rates provides an API for querying historical exchange rates for various currencies.

    QbilSoftware/OpenExchangeRates is an unofficial yet up-to-date library that provides a PHP API client.

    I have contributed a minor change that exposes additional functionality of the API, namely the ability to query rates for cryptocurrencies.


  • LunarVim


    LunarVim is a community-supported Neovim configuration that ships with sensible defaults and a collection of plugins that provide a great out-of-the-box experience without sacrificing editor's extensibility.

    I have been using LunarVim since the project started in 2021. I have contributed a couple of minor changes that were fixing the issues I have experienced myself.
